Medical Call Center

Medical Call Center

The heart of Blitz Research is our medical call center. Our call center provides service and information to physicians, patients and pharmaceutical companies. We facilitate communication among health care providers so patients receive the highest level of health care possible.

Direction; Blitz helps pharmaceutical companies reach health care professionals

A Call Center For Patients


As a medical call center for physicians offices’, hospitals, and other health care facilities, our trained professionals relieve the burden on your administrative staff while improving the patient experience.

Patient Experience


Health care providers are busier than ever, and a phone call is typically the first interaction a new patient has with an office. The most commonly cited reasons for poor patient experience is time spent on hold.

We’re On Call


Our medical call center is staffed to answer calls quickly and efficiently so physicians and their staff can spend more time caring for the patient in front of them.

A Call Center For Physicians


Our medical call center is available after office hours, including a 24/7 live nurse line and a drug hotline. Our call center professionals are caring, knowledgeable, empathetic and readily available.

For Your Protection


The call center is HIPPA compliant, so patients can feel safe knowing their privacy is protected.


For Your Information


We provide services to help patients understand and adhere to physician prescribed therapies, such as message delivery and call back programs.

A Call Center For Pharmaceutical Companies

Reaching Your Market


Our medical call center is equipped with state of the art technology and proprietary CATI software to customize patient and physician communications. We effectively collect patient and physician data to make sure target markets are being reached and save your company costs.


Building Brand Loyalty


Our patient adherence programs help ensure patients maintain their therapies long term. We offer direct to patient marketing, pharmaceutical clinical trials programs, and information dissemination. This ready access to information regarding your product builds trust and loyalty with patients.